
Why your skin is experiencing dryness and sensitivity this season!
Have you noticed your skin feeling drier or more sensitive than usual this season? You're not alone! I have had MANY clients who are struggling with unexpected dryness, sensitivity, and epidermal or impaired barrier disorders such as eczema or dermatitis,...
Do you ACTUALLY need to cleanse in the morning?
For decades, skincare experts have recommended cleansing twice a day. A habit we have happily built up in efforts to keep our skin looking and feeling beautiful, clean and refreshed... But is the morning cleanse really a necessity? Experts are...
How can you treat Perioral Dermatitis?
Perioral dermatitis is a common skin condition that can be both frustrating and uncomfortable. It is characterized by redness, small bumps, and sometimes mild peeling around the mouth, nose, and sometimes eyes as well. This condition can be persistent and...
Why does our menstrual cycle cause acne?
  Acne is a common skin condition that affects many individuals, particularly during adolescence. However, for some people, acne can persist into adulthood, and for women, it may be closely linked to their menstrual cycle. But why does our menstrual...
Are you purging or breaking out?
The term "purging" gets thrown around a lot in the skincare world, but what does it really mean, and what can we do about it?   Purging is a term used to describe sudden breakouts caused by the introduction of...
Hormone Health and the Skin
As skin therapists, talking about hormones is something we do a lot of. No matter what skin concerns or conditions we are facing, hormones have a part to play in it all and often, especially in cases of acne, can...
The impact of vaping on our skin
Vaping has become increasingly popular as a supposed healthier alternative to smoking, however as it is relatively new, we are only just now starting to see research coming out on how this “healthier” smoking alternative impacts our bodies. Vape juices...
Staying one step ahead of Pigmentation
We are getting to that time of year again, where the days are longer and we are starting to get outside and soak in some of that beautiful and much needed sunshine! As Summer starts to ramp up, a lot...
Insulin spikes worsening your skin concerns?
Can the way we eat, worsen our acne? YES! There is a strong link between our gut health, our microbiome and our skin! We have previously spoken about the importance of balancing our microbiome, managing stress and reducing sugar intake to manage...
The Low Down on Rosacea
  If you suffer from rosacea, you will have been told upon diagnosis that there is no cure for this skin condition. Unfortunately, this is very much the case; HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean it cannot be managed. Like most long...
The Cosmeceutical Difference
 It can be so difficult navigating the world of skincare products, especially when there are so many brands out there making so many strong claims about the efficacy of their products. You may have heard the term 'cosmeceutical' used when...
What actually IS Acne??
  Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that we see and treat in clinic. Up to 85% of New Zealanders between 15-25 years old are affected by acne to some degree - So it's incredibly common! Even though...
Pores! Why are they there and what can we do about them?
Pores - One of the most commonly asked questions we get is "How do I get rid of or reduce my pores?". Pores can appear in different sizes on different skins, depending on each skin type and condition.   What...
The ABC's of skincare. Are you feeding your skin the right vitamins?
  Our body relies on essential vitamins in order to to function at an optimal level. Although our skin is our body’s largest organ, our vital organs take priority over the vitamins that we ingest. This is why it is...
What to do about pigmentation?
In New Zealand, pigmentation is one of the leading skin concerns, and one that we see a LOT of in clinic. It tends to come with a lot of questions: What is it? Why do I have it? What can...
Why is a course of treatments best?
Wouldn't it be lovely if you could come in for your advanced skin treatment and immediately walk out looking 10 years younger or with all of your acne gone?? Trust me, we wish this could happen too! You may often...
How to Pick a Cleanser for Your Skin Type
Why is picking the right cleanser for your skin so important? Our cleansers are the backbone of our skincare regime. A good cleanser will remove dirt and impurities, hydrate and nourish, and provide a beautiful blank canvas for our active...
Why your gut health is affecting your acne!
Our body is an intricate system that is VERY good at telling us when something is wrong, and acne is no exception to that! Acne at it's most basic form is a disorder of the pilo-sebaceous unit where an overproduction...
Are you sure you know your skin type?
Are you sure you know your skin type? Or the know the difference between a dry skin and a dehydrated skin? Or what moisturising products your skin needs? Two factors will determine what kind of hydration and moisturiser your skin requires. This...
What NOT to use on your skin!
I want to make a serious post calling out over the counter brands that make claims to TREAT your skin concerns when the ingredients will not live up to the promise!
Are you over-exfoliating?
Using exfoliants 2-3 times a week (dependant on skin-type) can be beneficial for the skin by encouraging cell turnover and aiding desquamation. When performed correctly it can also improve skin conditions such as congestion, acne, hyper pigmentation and ageing. HOWEVER, we need to be careful when exfoliating! The stratum corneum is the last layer of defence. We NEED this layer to act like a roof on a house and protect against dirt, excess sweat, pollutants, bacteria and makeup.